Monday, October 7, 2019

2019 GW Parkway Classic 10 Miler Review!

Last year was my first year running the GW Parkway Classic 10 Miler and it quickly became one of my favorites.  The race is so close to my parents, it's through part of town where I spent a lot of time growing up and it has a great finisher's festival.  I immediately signed up when registration opened and I was SO excited for this one especially since I felt like I needed redemption from my somewhat bad (but still a PR) Cherry Blossom 10 Miler at the beginning of the month.  I felt like I had more of a PR in me than what I did at Cherry Blossom, but I was cautiously optimistic.

Flat Holly all ready to go for the Parkway Classic 10 Miler! Not shown: My hydration vest all ready to go. It’s going to be a hot one (58 at the start, close to 63 when I finish) so better to play it safe with too much hydration than not enough! Also wearing a flyout tank top and omazing shorts from Oiselle. Considering how it is also going to be raining overnight I’m going to be thankful for the flyout’s magical moisture wicking! (A must have in swampy DC/Baltimore weather.) Both are on sale until the 30th for Oiselle’s Birthday Sale! . . #runnersofinstagram #balegaimpi2019 #balegabestsocksever #impilove #impipride #balega #balegasocks #balegalove #lovemybalegas #hshive #rungoodr #goodrflamboyance #goodr #nuunlife #teamzensah #sweatpink #sweatpinkambassador #oisellevolée #oiselleteamdmv #flystyle #pickybars #squirrelsnutbutter #brooksrunning #runhappy #aftershokz
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The weather was going to be mostly cooperative--58 at the start and cloudy the whole race.  Thankfully this time around getting to the race was a lot less eventful.  (Last year someone had gotten into my parents car the night before.)  When we got to the race, first my Dad and I hit the portajohns before trying to track down my volee teammates for the group picture.  I ran into only one of them and since a photographer was close by he offered to take our picture.  Then afterwards my Dad and I got our beer bracelets to show our IDs had been checked and we could drink.

Shortly afterwards my Dad and I lined up and split up.  We agreed to meet up in the same place as last year and I moved up in the corrals near my estimated pace and he moved back.  Once I crossed the start line I was feeling really good and my IT band wasn't very cranky at all.  Then about half a mile in I caught a glimpse of a Oiselle singlet and I worked hard to catch up with them.  As I got closer I realized it was a couple of ladies in the Volee that I knew so I caught up to them and chatted for about a mile before dropping back.  I knew I could PR but I needed to be more conservative if I was going to keep it up.

The rest of the race was fairly uneventful.  As always, the course was scenic despite it being cloudy and as we started to get closer to Old Town Alexandria, I started slowing down a little bit because I was ready to be done.  That's when another teammate caught up with me and we talked for a little bit then she pulled away since she seemed to be pacing a friend.  I kept up with her for a little while and listened in on her conversation about her upcoming move and other random things which enough to distract me from how much I wanted to be done.  As we made the couple of final turns, I caught up with my friends from earlier (who then got distracted by a dog, of course, because she totally stops to pet all the dogs during races.)  A few moments later they passed me again and I worked hard to keep up with them but I was mostly gassed at that point but really fought for a fast finish.

When I stopped my Garmin I couldn't believe it.  I finished the race in 1:45:48.  I had not only PR'd, I had absolutely killed my previous PR from Cherry Blossom (an easier, flatter course) from just three weeks prior on a more difficult course by four and a half minutes.  (4:31 to be exact.)  I was so excited to see my Mom at the Finisher's area, so I rushed through the finisher's area and got my medal, water, breakfast burrito, and pretzels.  

I don't usually splurge on race merch after a race, but I thought I had earned a zip up hoodie with the race logo.  And a donut.  When I met back up with my Mom wearing my new purchase, I was so excited to tell her about my PR.  After going through the beer line we saw that my Dad had also finished and had somehow already gotten his beer too.  Once we found him, we talked about our races and what we would do next.  I told my Mom I really wanted to go to Sugar Shack and get donuts and coffee, and naturally my Dad also thought it was a great idea.  So I got 2 donuts (one with sprinkles, the other with coconut and chocolate) and a big cup of coffee.  (And a couple donuts to bring home to my husband.)  

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Last night I told one person my goals for today. This morning I told a couple more when I ran into some fellow Volee on the course. My A goal was to have an average pace below 11:00 miles for a distance PR. My B goal was below 11:07 so I could have a course PR. Not only did I get my A goal, I freaking CRUSHED it! I finished the 10 hilly miles in 1:45:47!!! Average pace of 10:29 😱😱 The weather was absolutely perfect—low 50s with a breeze and overcast. (Now I really wonder what I would have done at Cherry Blossom if my IT band wasn’t a jerk right before the race.) And currently my legs are feeling only slightly sore. I ran without my compression sleeve and my IT band is feeling great too 🎉🎉🎉 I earned the race hoodie (which is ridiculously comfortable BTW) and I don’t like saying I earned food, but I earned this donut. And it was delicious. Next race is the National Women’s Half Marathon, which is exactly one week from today. Can’t wait to see what happens now. . . #runnersofinstagram #balegaimpi2019 #balegabestsocksever #impilove #impipride #balega #balegasocks #balegalove #lovemybalegas #hshive #rungoodr #goodrflamboyance #goodr #nuunlife #teamzensah #sweatpink #sweatpinkambassador #oisellevolée #oiselleteamdmv #parkwayclassic #parkwayclassic10miler #pacersrunning #foreveryrun
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Overall, I would totally recommend this race.  It's a good size because it's not very crowded once you get through that first mile.  Pacers has the organization of this race down.  You can get your bracelet for free post-race beer at the start, and they have shuttles at the start and finish so parking isn't a huge issue (from what I've heard anyways.  I've never used it since my Mom chauffeured my Dad and I both years.)  It's super scenic even on a cloudy day, and the finisher's festival is great too!  

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