Friday, April 29, 2016

Paper Tape > Body Glide?!

Like a lot of runners, I've used body glide on my feet to help prevent hot spots and blisters on my feet.  (Both the balm and the cream.)  It wasn't perfect (maybe I wasn't putting enough on?) but it still wouldn't prevent painful hotspots that lasted the rest of the day.  Then I saw this article from NPR pop up on my Facebook feed (for once a useful article came up on there!) talking about a study done on ultramarathoners looking at the effectiveness of paper tape on preventing blisters.  If 98 out of 128 ultramarathoners didn't develop blisters where they taped their feet I decided I had to try it!!

So a couple days later I got a 10 yard roll at Target.  I decided for the heck of it I would give it a try for the Sole of the City 10k.  (I realize it's a pretty short distance to try it, but this is something that would probably need some trials before perfecting placement.)  As I suspected, there were still some minor hotspots despite the tape application.  But so far so good!  The tape didn't budge at all until I pulled it off post-race.

Then for my last long (12 mile) run before my next half marathon I decided to tape up my feet again.  Still some minor hotspots, but no blisters!!  And the hotspots were fine within a few hours (the perfect excuse for a post-run nap.)  I couldn't believe it.  The tape also held on the whole time!!  I'm probably going to hold onto my body glide, but as a backup in case I run out of paper tape.

Here's how I taped up my feet...
(And I totally acknowledge the fact that I am probably that one in a million runner who still has feet that don't look terrible.  And if you're one of those people who hates feet...I'm sorry.)

I covered the calluses on the side of my big toe and at the joint where my little toe connects to my foot.  Then I taped up across underneath my toes, paying particular attention to the padding just underneath the joint.  These are all places where I either develop hotspots, calluses or blisters.  (Also note:  The tape will stick a little more to any calluses than the rest of your skin.)

When you're done, just pull the tape right off and throw it away!  So stinking easy.


  1. wow! I will have to try this! great tip!!

    1. I thought the same thing! And if it doesn't work out, you can just add the paper tape to a first aid kit! (Not sure if it'll have the same effect to avoid blisters during rainy runs, but I might find that out soon too.)
